During the course of my trainee term with the Atlanta Hawks - I focused a lot of my energy on Single Game promotions for upcoming Hawks game. Each game would be designed and curated within the seasonal identity along with using that key art to develop additional assets that would be presented on additional channels including social, web, outdoor signs, and in-arena boards.
Each team match-up would consist of selecting iamges of the assigned player for the game along with images of the opposing team player giving off a player versus player design. I would be tasked to not only choose the player photos, but also implement the photos and create the composition for each game design. From there I would have to take that original design and shift it to the channel it would be viewed on allowing for optimal viewing experience.
Single games also gave me the oppertunity to work with stakeholders on sponsered games which would require a open line of conversation with the organization who is sponsering. This gave me the oppertunity to gain experiance workign with not only the Hawks organization, but also connect to other companies.